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Refined Castor Oil First Special Grade (FSG)

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Refined Castor Oil First Special Grade (FSG)

Castor oil FSG is produced by refining commercial grade castor oil. The commercial grade castor oil is processed by the bleaching and filtering method that helps to minimize the quality of colour, F.F.A. (Free Fatty Acid) and moisture. Furthermore, Refined Castor Oil FSG is used to manufacture other derivatives of castor oil and useful industrial products.

End use application for castor oil today is as a raw material for an enormous variety of sophisticate products, such as lubricants, plastics, artificial fibres, paints, varnishes and synthetic resins, plasticizers and surfactants, fungicides, cosmetics, printing inks, polyols, soaps, artificial leather, hydraulic fluids, dyeing aids and textile finishing materials.


  • CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: Castor oil has a number of distinctive characteristics which have made it an attractive buy for the chemical industry. It is a highly stable viscous natural product resistant to high temperatures. Its unique molecular structure (one double bond next to a hydroxyl group) permits it to be used as a building block in a great number of chemical reactions of an extremely complicated nature, while maintaining its distinctive natural advantages.
  • LUBRICATION: Castor oil has better low temperature viscosity properties and high temperature lubrication than most vegetable oils, making it useful as a lubricant in jet, diesel, and race car engines and in hydraulic fluids for automobiles, trucks and machinery.
  • For instance, paints and coatings produced with castor oil retain their colour and shine for years without cracking under stress, which is one reason why automobile manufacturers are major customers.
  • In combinations with styrene and disocynates for a film forming Varnish or a substantially insoluble infusible polymer.
  • As capacitor impregnate
  • As a dielectric material for electrical condensers
  • As an ingredient for petroleum oil-field de-emulsification
  • In manufacturing of polyurethane casting resins
  • As a sonar transducer fluid
  • As a starting material for most other derivatives of Castor Oil