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12 Hydrogenated Stearic Acid (Flakes Form)

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12 Hydrogenated Stearic Acid (Flakes Form)

12-Hydroxystearic Acid is the saturated counterpart of p-10 acid. 12-Hydroxystearic Acid is produced from hydrogenated castor oil (castor wax). 12 Hydroxy Stearic Acid is a saturated C18-Fatty Acid that is a pale Ivory coloured, brittle, hard wax like odourless substance derived from hydrolysis of Hydrogenated Castor Oil. It is suitable for its carboxyl and hydroxyl functional groups in various chemical derivatization processes and its high melting point and hydroxyl bearing chain produce glycerine free gel structures of great strength and workability. The 12-Hydroxystearic Acid we offer is non - toxic.


  • The 12-Hydroxystearic Acid characteristics are utilized in cosmetics, toilet goods, wax blends, polishes, inks and hot melt adhesives. Its reaction with acrylic esters produces hard, durable, thermosetting polymers, which are used in high quality finishes.
  • In coating resins, the hardness, high melting point and reactive hydroxyl group are utilized in both solvent and water- based polymers as well as plasticizer systems.
  • 12-Hydroxystearic Acid is also a major component in lithium and calcium based multi - purpose lubricating greases. 12-Hydroxystearic Acid also functions as an activator and internal lubricant for natural and synthetic substances. It should be stored away from heat to avoid deterioration. 12-Hydroxystearic Acid is insoluble in water and its solubility in many organic solvents is also limited.
  • As an internal lubricant for moulding of plastics.
  • Aqueous & non aqueous coatings for automotive, equipment, appliances and architectural applications.
  • As a shrink resistant treatment for wool
  • As coating liners for the interior of metal food and beverage containerisation and internal lubricant for natural and synthetic rubbers.
  • As a theology modifier for Inks
  • In the manufacture of specialty chemicals such as esters, ethoxylates, sulphates etc. for plasticizers, textile, cosmetics and metal working operations.