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Ricinoleic Acid

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Ricinoleic Acid

Ricinoleic Acid (12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid) is obtained by the hydrolysis of Castor Oil. It is a light-coloured liquid with a ricinoleic content of approximately 87%. Ricinoleic acid is the active component of castor oil. Castor Oil is the only commercially available vegetable oil that contains (70-90 percent) hydroxy functionality of a fatty acid. It is also referred to as ricinoleic acid triglyceride.


  • Ricinoleic acid is effective in preventing the growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and molds. It’s successful as a topical treatment for ringworm, keratosis, skin inflammation, abrasions, fungal-infected finger- and toenails, acne, and chronic pruritus (itching).
  • Primary uses include coatings in plastics, inks and cosmetics. Sodium Recinoleate and SulfoRicinoleate possess strong bactericidal properties and therefore are used in toothpaste formulations.
  • It is also widely used in textile finishing, for manufacturing dry-cleaning soaps, used in contraceptive jellies and in manufacturing food emulsifiers like Poly Glycerol and Poly Ricinoleate.
  • Soaps: Ricinoleic acid can be reacted with different bases eg. Caustic, ammonia, ethanolamine’s etc to prepare soaps.
  • Surface Coating: Ricinoleic acids are efficient pigments & dye dispersants which find uses in inks, coatings, plastics, cosmetics, etc.
  • Rubber: The sodium & potassium soaps of Ricinoleic acid are emulsifiers & foam stabilizers.
  • Food: Ricinoleic acid is used to manufacture Poly Glycerol Poly Ricinoleate (PGPR) a key ingredient in chocolate products.
  • Vinyl polymers: The sodium soap is useful as emulsifier, stabilizer & defoamer for emulsion polymerization of resins such as PVC & PVAC.
  • Leather Chemicals: Ricinoleic Acid is used for the treatment of leather. It provides good wetting, flexibility and softening property to leather.
  • Some of the applications of Ricinoleic acid are in Cutting oils, Industrial lubricants, Emulsifiers & Metal-working compounds. These compounds impart lubricity & rust-proofing characteristics. Transparent bar soaps & high solids liquid soaps are made possible by using Ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid soaps also enable the solubilization of phenolic & cresylic bodies in industrial germicides, disinfectants & heavy-duty detergents.